I cannot believe that she is already three months old...Time is flying by!!
She is developing her own little habits and know exactly what to do to get attention. She does this fake cough thing when she wants someone to talk to her or pick her up. She is so sweet and has the prettiest smile.
We have also realized that she likes to bury her face when she goes to sleep. It doesn't have to be a special blanket or anything just something to bury her face in.
It works everytime...she goes right to sleep.
She also loves to play with her hair when she's tired. She does so many things that Jason and I did as babies (or so we are told...) For example, I used to play with my hair and Jason curled his toes and tucked his thumbs (like making a fist) - all of which she does now...
We are enjoying watching her grow and change...it's amazing!!
Emma is adorable! I love reading your blog so I know what to look forward to Cameron doing - she is only a month older than him!
We went to Picture People at Yorktown Mall - the photographer was Mae Lynn or something like that. We had gone to the same place about a year ago for Brayden's last pictures and had a great experience, so we drove all the way there instead of just going to Fox Valley. But the photographer is who makes the experience good or bad, not the studio apparently.
She's a doll!
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