We went Monday for her 6 mth check-up which included 3 vaccinations (2 shots and 1 oral). She did really well and only cried a little bit. She was really tired the next day and had a little bruise from one of the shots but has recovered well.
She weighs 15.14 lbs (which the dr says is in the 50th percentile) and is 26.5 inches (which the dr says is in the 75th percentile). We are starting baby food one time a day-but she doesn't like any flavor I give her so it's a challenge...
Grandma, Pop, and Aunt Leela came to visit us last week. We took Emma to the Shedd Aquarium and the Brookfield Zoo. Jason was off so he was able to come with us.
The day we went to the zoo was the hottest day of the year yet...it was sooo hot!
Emma loved to look at the animals but would've enjoyed the zoo more if it wasn't so hot.
The aquarium was nice (I was a little disappointed though...) and Emma liked to watch the fish swim around.
We had Emma's pictures taken while they were in town and the pictures turned out great! We got one of the pictures enlarged to go over the fireplace-I can't wait to get it framed and up!
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